Since its emergence and democratization, the Internet has taken an increasingly important place in our lives. As we are constantly inundated with information, it becomes easier for journalists, businesses and the general public to distinguish the true from the false… In this fight against fake news, we are all concerned.
Causes of the propagation of Fake-News
The breach of confidence with the traditional media The press is sometimes shown to be finger for its inability to braid at Fake News. One of the main reproaches that it is made to privilege the show, the rumor to factual information of quality or not to represent the expected counter-power and to be compromised and partisan of the political and economic world.
The main criteria expected to judge the reliability of a media are: the quality of the sources financial independence the neutrality of treatment (according to the respondents of the study). Resources are ready for the combat. A "Internet" media and digital culture deficit contributed to the advent of a "Gérald Bronner, sociologist" credules democracy. Inquire requires rigor and critical thinking. We must question what we read, sees, hears, what we know or that one believes to know, and this in a saturated digital ecosystem of information.
Specialists consider that the Internet has offered false beliefs an environment favorable to their traffic. Incessant information flows, hyperconnection and other infobesity contribute to what is called the economy of attention: to retain the attention of Internet users via various methods: sensationalism, very short videos, visual labels, CIBL C.. Check the information: rely on devices deployed by media and digital actors. You know you can count on the press and a real job of journalism to help you in your quest for reliable information.
Journalists are considered the first actors to have to engage in the fight against the spread of Fake News. The web, if used, can be a formidable weapon against Fake News. Highly reactive Fact-Checking platforms exist to help you check the veracity of a point, if any information is true or false
Good practices to be well informed online
The fight against fake news will only be effective if it is collective! To build an environment conducive to the circulation of reliable information, everyone has their share of responsibility: media and journalists, institutions and politicians, and citizens themselves. But in terms of information, as in other fields, the adoption of good practices presupposes relying on a voluntary and enlightened individual approach. In this context, the role of the school, but also of the parents, is crucial.
Risk practices aggravated by the Internet
Confirmation bias: It is not easy to submit its mind to criticism, we are thus more inclined to favor the information that goes in the direction of our preconceived ideas. The "guru" effect: which leads to spontaneously adhere to information broadcast by "a person we trust. The confidence of the restricted circle: we are more easily convinced by information shared by a loved one than a unknown. "I heard about it": This simple argument sometimes allows us to adhere to a unfounded rumor. A quality box: When information is accompanied by a good quality photo or video, we are more inclined to accept it and consider its source as safe.